Mandatory (but FREE) Meet and Greet:
It’s important that we meet both you and your pets prior to any service. We have questions about the basic care of your pets, and your home, and it’s in your dog’s best interest that they get to know their walker a bit.
These must be made no later than 7pm the day before the appointment or there will be a 50% charge for that day. Please give as much notice as possible on all cancellations!
Last minute services:
Any service requested after 7pm the day before the scheduled service is considered “last minute.”Walks over Wilshire will do our best to accommodate our clients, however we make no guarantees.A fee of $10 will be applied to any last minute service.
No off-leash walking:
Once we are off of your property, your dog needs to be on a leash at all times. No exceptions.This is for the protection of your dog and other dogs.
85 degree policy:
Walks over Wilshire reserves the right to cut down walk time when temperatures reach 85 degrees and above. Client will be credited on the next invoice. When available, indoor/outdoor time may be divided.
Secure your home and yard:
Make sure any and all doors, gates, fences, ect. are secure.Walks over Wilshire is not responsible for any pet once the service is complete.
Vaccinations must be up-to-date:
Vaccinations are necessary, inexpensive insurance. Even dogs who spend most of their time indoors are exposed to infectious diseases and should be vaccinated regularly.
Your dog must be licensed in the city of Los Angeles:
It’s easy and inexpensive to license your dog. Please contact WOW for the web address, and it can be taken care of in just a few minutes.
Unwarranted Aggressive Behavior:
If a pet bites or demonstrates other aggressive behavior, Walks Over Wilshire reserves the right to refuse service. Bites must be reported to the local authorities as provided by law and also to the insurance company. The owner of the pet will be responsible for all medical care expenses and damages that result from the animal bite.
Contact us: 323. 391. DOGS